Norseman Gibb supplies cold drawn rod rigging made from Nitronic 50. This premium stainless-steel is known for its high strength, low stretch, and corrosion resistance. This is beneficial for both maintenance and longevity. Because of these properties, smaller diameters of rod rigging have the same breaking load and less stretch as higher diameters conventional wire rigging. A smaller diameter means less weight, and rod rigging is therefore often-preferred type of rigging to decrease weight onboard.
Nitronic 50 stainless-steel is exceptional when it comes to corrosion resistance and yield compared to other materials available in the same price range. On both aspects, Nitronic 50 is superior to materials such as 316 and 316L stainless-steel.
Norseman Gibb can supply Nitronic 50 rod by weight un-straightened and unpolished, by length straightened and or by length straightened and polished. At our facility we produce custom rod to order.
When shipped or stored, please note that coils are a minimum of 200 times the diameter of the rod, in order to not affect the elastic memory.

Made from Nitronic 50

Rod rigging is specified in -dash sizing which represents the breaking strength in thousands of lbs. For example, -4 has a breaking strength of 4000 lbs., -6 has a breaking strength of 6000 lbs. etc. We can manufacture and head rod in sizes ranging from -4 to -60.